Give Hope This Holiday Season

Donate to support children and adults living with developmental disabilities and mental health needs

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raised towards $42,000 goal


Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Donate to support children and adults living with developmental disabilities and mental health needs

We are raising money to give kids like Emmett the best chance to succeed

Close friends of Hope, Jeanne Gobalet and Garth Norton, who recently provided a $25,000 matching gift fund for Giving Tuesday, have generously agreed to match all additional gifts up to $42,000 before midnight 12/31!!

Please take advantage of this opportunity to DOUBLE your donation and impact to help even more clients like Emmett.

When someone near and dear to you has a developmental disability, where do you turn?

If you’re like Emmet’s family, you go to Hope Services. Why? Because you know your loved one will receive absolute top-notch care and support. And you also know that they will be treated like a real person, by dedicated, compassionate professionals in a warm, caring environment.

In its 69 years of operation to date, Hope Services has evolved from one of the first preschools serving only children with special needs to providing a full range of integrated social services to more than 3,400 infants, young children, adults, and seniors with developmental disabilities and mental health needs in Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, San Mateo, Marin, San Francisco and Alameda counties

Emmett’s family came to the Hope Services’ Homestart Program (early intervention services for infants and young children ages 0-5) after they relocated from Tennessee. 26-month-old Emmett has trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). Before receiving services from Hope, Emery was not yet walking or crawling. Through a collaborative effort, the Homestart team has been able to provede Emmett’s family, including his grandparents, with the tools to assist with his development.

“Immediately I could tell that there is something totally amazing and different about Hope Services. Hope has played a vital role in viewing my son for who he is versus viewing his disability first. During the pandemic when other therapy centers shut down, Hope Services was very committed and offered telehealth so my child can still progress with his therapy." - Sarah, Emmet's Mom

By sending your gift today, you are helping our team of experts touch the lives of thousands – whether clients are facing an urgent need or seeking to improve their quality of life. It will assure that children like Emmett can have the best developmental outcomes, possibly eradicating the need for special education services later in life.